The Stories Behind The Paintings
The Stories Behind The Paintings . . . Painting Progressions . . . Introduction
I have an idea inspired by my good friend and fellow artist, Tom Saubert. Tom is one of the foremost Western artists whom the West (and all of us) have ever seen. He did something a few times on social media which I and many others have really enjoyed: Tom showed the progression of his paintings. From initial pencil marks on the canvas to the subtle changes in color along the way, he gave a tour of his paintings through the artist who created them. I would like to offer the viewers and admirers of my paintings the same opportunity! I think you will find it just as interesting as I did as I painted.
As you can see as you scroll through the paintings presented on my website, I try to include a paragraph with each, briefly describing part of the story behind the paintings. Sometimes there is a bit more to the stories and I would like to include that as well. My hope in doing this to answer the many questions which have been asked of me about hows and whys and time involved in the artwork and to give everyone a little deeper glimpse into the thought process, the struggles and frustrations, and the joy of being able to say, “okay, it’s finished”, and then sign it. So come with me each week on the sometimes crazy, sometimes silly, but hopefully always inspirational journey into the creation of my paintings. Be looking for the first of these journeys as i share with you the painting which started me painting again: CREEPERS.
(PS-You can see Tom’s artwork at his website: